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breaking up but still love each other

After a breakup, do both parties miss each other? Do they ever cross each  other's mind? - Quora
After a breakup, do both parties miss each other? Do they ever cross each other's mind? - Quora
How to deal with the breakup with someone you still love Breaks are hard enough for themselves, but when you're still in love with him, it's almost unbearable. It feels like your heart is being pulled from your chest every day. You turn off the break as much as possible, but you're getting worse on yourself. I'd love to say that once you're done, you'll feel better, but it takes a while to heal. Meanwhile, there are some ways to cope a little easier. Accept that love is not enough. It's like cold water in the face, right? In my own experience, I was young and naive. I thought love was probably enough to fix our problems, but the problems didn't get better, they got worse. Love is not always enough to save a relationship. Just because you love him doesn't mean he's gonna last forever. It's not your fault. If I had done this or that. Didn't she love him enough? Stop blaming yourself. It's not your fault (or anyone else's, that's why). Sometimes couples go in different directions or that initial chemistry fades. Either way, the relationship doesn't work anymore. Think about what's best for you. Is she crying to sleep at night really what's best? No. If you're so miserable, it's time to finish things. You'll move on. You'll even realize there's a love out there stronger than what you feel now. You have to take care of yourself, even if it means breaking your own heart. Build some support first. I made the tragic mistake of not talking to my friends and family before I finished the relationship. I broke things and I've never felt so lonely. Let your friends and/or family know what's going on and have at least one person you can talk to before you finish things. You need support before and after to make sure you're not going through this alone. Put aside a little post-disintegration time. I know it's hard to think about life after the breakup. All I did well was think about what to do right after helping me heal. I reorganized my schedule so I'd have several days to lock up and play music. You can plan a vacation, meet your friends or just take a few days off of work. I just left a little time to handle that first wave of emotion. Take some tissues and talk. I hate to cry, but I fainted when I broke up with the guy I was in love with. It was also the only time I saw him cry. I couldn't even get the "we need to talk" without my voice breaking up. Stay strong, though. Say what you need to say and be respectful. This is hurting him too, so it's okay to cry. Say your goodbyes through tears. Stay as far as possible. I wanted to see you so bad. I knew if I did, I could do something stupid like being together again. Of course, even seeing him go wrong like hell. on Facebook or hanging in the same places. Stay away and have time to get over it. Keep friendship for now. Now is not the time to try to be friends. Sets a time in the distant future to talk about it. You can't just be friends. Or you'll hook up again and break up again or you'll end up hating each other. It's better to just stay apart. Get rid of all the reminders. I'm not saying you should throw anything away, but take any photo of it and put any special gift in a box in your closet. I still have gifts that my ex gave me, but at first I put them out of sight. It was too painful to deal with. Cry when you need to. Did you hear a song that reminds you of him? She cries if you need it. Do you know how you keep a wound in your hand clean? Tears are like washing your heart, so let it all come out. One day, you won't be crying anymore. Every day I felt better. I cried for several days and only a few times the next week. Finally, as a month later, nothing made tears shed. Skip the rebound. Rebounds are fun, but not after a serious relationship like this. It's too easy to transfer your love to the bounce and that's not gonna end well. Stay single and jump rebound for the moment. You really don't want to start crying in the middle of the bounced sex, do you? Let your friends help you. I may have been locked up for a few days, but my friends still called every day. After several days I went out to dinner with them. I wasn't the happiest person in the world, but it helped have them around. Don't close them. Talk to them, let them distract you. Mourn, but don't bite. You're gonna cry. That's right. Just don't bite. You know, looking at his picture or watching a video of both of you over and over. Don't make it worse on purpose. Put on a bit or watch a girl movie. Just don't do things that prevent the healing process. He knows the pain will end soon. It may feel better in a few weeks or it may take a few months or more. Trust me that the pain you feel now will end. You'll fall in love again. Like any pain or pain, it's gonna take time. Give yourself the time you need and you will emerja even stronger on the other side. Sponsored: The best dating/relationships on the web. Take a look at a place where highly trained relationships coaches get you, get your situation and help you achieve whatever you want. They help you through complicated and difficult love situations such as deciphering mixed signals, overcoming a rupture, or anything else you care about. It connects immediately with an impressive trainer in text or phone in minutes. Just click on... Read more: Share this article now! Crystal Crowder is an independent writer and blogger. It's a tech geek in the heart, but he loves to say it as if it were when it comes to love, beauty and style. He likes to write music, poetry and fiction and hopes to have his first novel soon. For For For For For For For For Bolde Copyright © 2021

When (and how) to break up with someone you love Sometimes you wonder if you should stay together or break is just part of being in a relationship for most people. Each couple, regardless of how they could look outside, passes through hard patches. And even though you love your partner deeply, it is not unusual to wonder occasionally whether the relationship is a good fit. Understanding the difference between the normal ups and downs of a healthy alliance and the signs that a relationship has followed its course is not always easy. Still, there are some clear signs to see. Read more about these signs and what to do if things seem unsaving. If you recognize some of the following signs in your relationship, it is time to take a look at whether things are worth repairing. You keep breaking up and recoveringRemember how back in middle school everyone you knew was banging and then inventing? And you'd wonder why they stayed together? This kind of behavior I-I seemed all fun and games back then, but it's not that attractive when you're an adult. It's okay to walk away when you're going through a significant challenge. But if you are constantly splitting up and coming back together, it is possible that none of you are recognizing the underlying reasons why you keep ending things. You are making all the sacrificeEach relationship requires sacrifice. This can be a healthy way of showing yourself love and support. Sometimes, this is just a question of letting your partner choose which restaurant you will eat or what show to see on Netflix. But other times, these can be more important decisions, such as going all over the country for a new job opportunity. If you find yourself constantly giving everything for your partner without the gesture being reciprocal, it can create an imbalance of power that generates long-term unhappiness and resentment. You can't trust them Always questioning whether your partner is telling the truth or feeling the need to go behind his back and look through his phone is an emotionally draining experience. If your significant partner has a lie or deception story, this causes a resentment accumulation that can quickly poison your relationship with time. Have you grown up? Have you felt a break between you that can't be explained? Has it become increasingly difficult to communicate or share your tastes and interests? Many couples often cling to memories of when they first met and overlook the ways in which both people have changed. Feeling disconnected more often than it cannot mean that you no longer want to cling to the past. Your main values are not aligned Even if you connect and care deeply for the other person, you may not be on the same page when it comes to big picture things. If your partner wants to settle and start a family, but prefers to spend their days traveling, it is a significant sign that things are not meant to last. Have you stopped caring or putting in the effort Have you stopped checking with your partner to see how his day goes? You used to make an effort to reconnect but you can't find the motivation anymore? While we all have our low days as a partner, if you cannot constantly invoke the interest you once had, it is a sign that things have cooled down. You are experiencing physical or emotional abuse Any form of abuse is a clear red flag that the relationship has become toxic. It's never right for your partner to attack you, toss, control or isolate you. While it is easier to recognize physical signs of abuse, it can be harder for one. Remember, you deserve to be treated with care and respect. You don't like it. You don't like it when you're close to your partner, you can go off with time. A healthy relationship should get the best out of you. If you feel that your partner brings out the worst in you, it is probably a sign that things have become unhealthy. Fighting without stopping While disagreements are an inevitable part of being a couple, you shouldn't feel like you're always waiting for the next explosion. Unresolved conflicts that become disrespectful and degrading over time can seriously affect their emotional well-being. Ask yourself if both are finding a new reason to discuss every day. If the answer is yes, it may be time for you to separate. You won't meet your needs Part of being in a healthy duo involves actively working on good communication. When communication lines break down, you may start to feel a sense of longing, discomfort and even bitterness. Something is off if you are constantly anxious affection that is not provided, or if you are dreaming of a more satisfying relationship. You think about breaking all the time I wonder if staying together every once in a while is normal. It's when you can't stop thinking about being separated that you should worry. Being with someone should not be a continuous struggle to expect the other person to change. If you can't imagine getting older with them as they are right now, it's probably time to throw in the towel. Apart from those related to abuse, the signs discussed above do not always mean that you need to finish things immediately, especially if there is still love in the relationship. Think of them more as a sign that their relationship could use some extra attention. Before you finish things, consider trying some of these approaches to see if things are saved. Having an honest conversation Ignoring problems will only make things worse. Don't try to pretend it's all right. Instead, put everything on the table and talk to your partner about your concerns. Putting everything out there might sound intimidating, but the possibilities are, your partner probably shares many of your concerns. Try to talk without getting defensive. Be open to hearing what you have to say. This will allow you to evaluate and speak through the areas that both need to improve. Recover your connectionRemember what made you fall in love first. Try to make us priority. Go in the retirement of a couple, or start the weekly dating nights where both can relax and reconnect. Making them feel important can be an amazing way to link up and communicate their hopes for the future. Finding professional help In some cases, repairing an unhealthy relationship requires some external help, especially if there is a lot of bitterness and resentment involved. Finding a therapist who specializes in relationships recovery can help both of you work through your emotions and give you the tools to understand and communicate with each other better. Forgive each otherBefore making a final decision about dismissing, consider whether you may forgive your partner and vice versa. Leaving old grudges is an important aspect to advance and develop a healthy relationship. By committing to forgive each other, you can strengthen what you have together and make room for a deeper connection. If you feel that you have exhausted all efforts and are hitting a wall, here are some practical steps you can take once you have decided to break. Future plan Consider all logistics. Things can be difficult if you've been sharing a living space with the other person or have a joint bank account. You may also need to see how to offset lost income if your partner has been financially supporting you. Make sure you've created another place to stay. Decide if you move your stuff before or after your chat. Do not be afraid to reach loved ones to help explore your options and reorganize your living situation. Choose the right place to break The most respectful way to end a relationship is in person, unless that feels unsafe. Choose a private location to avoid an embarrassing scene, but try to avoid having your chat at home so you can leave soon afterwards. Conversation can take a long time or be distressing. Note this when deciding on the right location. Be honest and clear about your feelings Having this talk can come as a shock to the other person, so it is important to refrain from feeling overly emotional and to remain clear about your intention. Be honest with the other person without being vague or go in long explanations why you don't want to stay together anymore. Because of the ruptureListen to what you have to say and answer any questions you may have. Recognize the real problems, but also let them know about the things that attracted you to them in the first place. You can mention their good qualities without going into depth. In general, try to stay firm and consistent. Avoid saying something painful Let the other person know the biggest problems for the breakup is not the same as the name-calling or the belittling. Try to be respectful and avoid blaming them for breaking up. If they ask why you're ending things, be honest, but don't insult them by going to small details. Prepare for your reaction There's no way to know how the other person will react, but getting ready in advance can help you handle what to expect. More than anything, don't let yourself be intimidated or manipulated. And yes, tears will probably fall, maybe even on both sides. But that's not a good reason to stay. Creating distance When you're the one who breaks things, it's tempting to reduce the blow to your partner by overpromising. You might want to reassure them that you still want to be friends or that you still want to see them occasionally. But remember that both of you will need space and distance to heal. In case you finally decide you want to maintain your friendship, make sure you set appropriate limits. No matter how much you prepare, ending a relationship is never easy. Here are some tips to take care of yourself after a difficult break with someone you love. Let yourself cry. Note that duel is a process that has its own timeline. Separating someone you've spent a lot of time can take an emotional toll. One found that breaking can lead to problems in mental health and a decrease in life satisfaction, at least in the short term. And if you had big plans for your future or shared a living space, the pain can feel double. It is important that you give permission to express your feelings of sadness, anger or disappointment. Trust someone you trust Those closest to you can provide much-needed support and comfort during this delicate time. Getting to a loved one and letting them know you're having a hard time can be vital to help you move forward. Talking things can make you feel much better, but if you don't feel comfortable talking to a friend, consider seeing a counselor who can walk through the processing of your emotions. Focus on yourself When you've been with someone for a long period of time, it's easy to lose your sense of self after being caught in your partner's needs. Try to take tangible steps to encourage areas of your life that have not given you enough attention. This could mean spending more time traveling, registering for a new class, or visiting with friends and family. Recognizing when a relationship has come to an end can be an emotional Russian mountain with many ups and downs. But it is important to remember that this stage will eventually happen and that you have made the right decision for you. Above all, be kind to yourself throughout the process. Focusing on what makes you happy and brings you joy, you can take the first step towards healing and recovery. Last medical review on 30 July 2019Read this following

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